Churchill Fellowship Report - Lynn Doppler 2006 Doppler, L. (2006)
To study the effects on student achievement in schools where restorative practices have been embedded as a way of learning and being together – UK, USA and Canada. Churchill Trust 2006
Additional Articles:
Alameda County School Health Services Coalition 2011 Restorative Justice - A
Working Guide for Our Schools.pdf
American Psychological Association 2008 Are Zero Tolerance Policies
Effective in the Schools - Evidentiary Review_2008.pdf
Bargen 2003 Safe Schools - Strategies for Changing a Culture.pdf
Bernstein & Tunks 2003 Restorative Justice Values and Principles - A
Colorado Perspective.pdf
Bevington 2015 Appreciative evaluation of restorative approaches in
Blood 2004 Restorative Practices – Building Connectedness and Fostering
Emotional Literacy.pdf
Blood 2005 The Australian Context – Restorative Practices as a Platform for
Cultural Change in Schools.pdf
Bondy Hambacher 2016 EL_Relationships First_Let Care Shine Through.pdf
Boulton & Mirsky 2006 Restorative Practices as a Tool for Organizational
Change - The Bessels Leigh School.pdf
Brackett & Rivers (nd) Transforming Students’ Lives with Social and
Emotional Learning.pdf
Braithwaite & Mugford 1994 Conditions of Successful Reintegration
Brew Beatty Watt 2004 Measuring students’ sense of connectedness with
Brummer 2015 Making “Affective Statements” More Effective in Restorative
Cann 2002 Do Schools have a Role to Play in Crime Prevention.pdf
Drewery & Winslade 2003 Developing Restorative Practices in Schools -
Flavour of the month or saviour of the system.pdf
eb4U 2004 A guide to Using Restorative Justice Conferencing Methods with
Acceptable Behaviour Contracts.pdf
Educational Leadership Oct 2015 Emotionally Healthy Kids.pdf
Edutopia 2013 Empathy - The Most Important Back-to-School Supply.pdf
Edutopia 2013 School Change - Make Room for 'Wrongdoing'.pdf
Elias 2005 The Connection between Academic and SEL.pdf
George 2013 Affect and Emotion in the Restorative School.pdf
George 2016 Teaching with Mind and Heart_Affect in the Restorative
Goldsmiths 2010 The use and effectiveness of antibullying strategies in
Goodenow 1993 Classroom Belonging Among Early Adolescent Students -
Relationships to Motivation and Achievement.pdf
Halstead 1999 Educational Discipline using the Priciples of Restorative
Halvorson 2013 The Most Effective Ways to Make It Right When You Screw
Henskens-Reijman & Pagee 2003 Restorative Practices in a Dutch School.pdf
Hopkins 2002 Restorative Justice in Schools.pdf
Hopkins 2003 Restorative Approaches in Schools in the UK.pdf
Howard 2009 Restorative Practice in Schools.pdf
Ierley & Ivker 2002 Restoring School Communities - Restorative Justice in
Schools Program.pdf
Johnson & Johnson 2007 Preventing Bullying - Developing And Maintaining
Positive Relationships Among Schoolmates.pdf
Kyriakides & Creemers 2013 Characteristics of effective schools in facing
and reducing bullying.pdf
Lovell 2011 Restorative Practices in Catholic School Communities.pdf
McCold 2005 Evaluation of a Restorative Milieu - Replication and Extension
for 2001-2003 Discharges.pdf
McNeely, Nonnemaker & Blum 2002 Promoting School Connectedness - Evidence
from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.pdf
Mirsky 2004 Transforming School Culture - An Update.pdf
Morris 2012 Restorative Practices in Australian Schools.pdf
Morrison 2001 The School System - Developing its Capacity in the Regulation
of a Civil Society.pdf
Morrison 2002 Restorative Justice and School Violence - Building Theory and
Morrison 2005 Restorative Justice in Schools - International
Morrison 2006 School Bullying and Restorative Justice - Toward a Theoretical
Understanding of the Role of Respect, Pride, and Shame.pdf
National Safe Schools Project.pdf
NZ Ministry of Education 2012 Draft Restorative Practice Model 7 RPs.pdf
NZ Ministry of Education 2012 Restorative Practices in NZ The Evidence
O'Connell 2002 RSCPC 2002 Crime Prevention Curriculum in SA School.pdf
Ontario Catholic Curriculum Cooperative 2010 Restorative Practice in
Catholic School - A Primer.pdf
Piperato & Roy 2002 Transforming School Culture.pdf
Porter 2005 Restorative Practices at Queanbeyan South, an Australian Primary
Pranis 2000 Empathy Development in Youth Through Restorative Practices.pdf
Pulido (nd) Restorative Principles to Create a Positive Climate in
Qld Govt 2010 Working Together - Good Practice in Queensland Schools - Case
Studies of Effective School Based Action Against Bullying.pdf
Restorative Practices - Fostering Healthy Relationships & Promoting
Positive Discipline in Schools.pdf
Richard 2012 Revisiting the whole-school approach to bullying.pdf
Riestenberg 2005 PEASE Academy - The Restorative Recovery School.pdf
Safer Saner Schools (nd) Whole-School Change through Restorative
Sauffler 2012 Connecting Restorative School Practices to Brain Research and
Bullying Prevention.pdf
Saufler 2011 School Climate, the Brain and Connection to School.pdf
Shaw 2002 RSCPC 2002 Promoting Safety in Schools.pdf
Skiba & Peterson 2000 School discipline at a crossroads - From Zero
Tolerance to Early Response.pdf
Sumner et al 2010 School-based Restorative Justice as an Alternative to
Zero-Tolerance Policies.pdf
Tasmanian Dept Education 2014 Respectful Schools Respectful Behaviour.pdf
Thorsborne (nd) School Violence and Community Conferencing - The Benefits of
Restorative Justice.pdf
UK Dept Education (nd) Preventing and Tackling Bullying - Advice for School
Leaders, Staff and Governing Bodies.pdf
US Dept Education 2014 Guiding Principles - A Resource Guide for Improving
School Climate and Discipline.pdf
US Dept Justice (nd) Balanced and Restorative Justice.pdf
Vaandering 2014 Relational Restorative Justice Pedagogy.pdf
Varnham (nd) Seeing Things Differently - Restorative Justice and School
Wachtel & McCold 2001 Restorative Justice in Everyday Life.pdf
Wachtel 1999 Restorative Justice in Everyday Life Beyond the Formal
Wachtel 1999 SaferSanerSchools Restoring Community in a Disconnected
Wachtel 2004 From Restorative Justice to Restorative Practices - Expanding
the Paradigm.pdf
Youth Justice Board England & Wales 2004 National Evaluation of the
Restorative Justice in Schools Programme.pdf